Thursday, October 22, 2015

Post 3

In my radio play I was storng in changing my voice to sound different. I was bad at how I sound I need to change my tone something. My group work great together and did a good job. We stayed together and speed was great. Next time we should shortin our stuff so it's not like fifth teen mom long. We could improve in so many ways but we got a good grade and that what pays off in then end. I could go on and on about what we did right or what we did wrong but I don't have the time,until my next post
              Breanna long

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Week 3-4 9/17/5

In theater class these weeks we were mimes. we had to have walls,pulls,sits,lens,and fight scene. My groups play went like this actor 1 (Jordan) actor 2 (Jessica) actor 3 (breanna/me) actor 4 (amber).
Actor 1 and 2 walked in with actor 3 and 4 flowing behide. inside the elevator and it broke down. All the actors started felling the walls. When actor 2 pass out the other actors try to awaken her. when she awakened actor 1 notices a rope hanging from the ceiling one by one the girls climb out. On top of the elevator actor one open a door and steps into a hallway. actor 1 and 2 try to call the manger while actors 3 and 4 Len against the wall. When actor one is excited to be out shaking actor 2 actor two drops actor ones phone. Actor one and two get into a fight, Actor 3 and 4 stand in shock. Until it goes to far actor three pulls actor one of actor 2. actor four helps actor 2.therw out the scene we add pantomime to make it more real.END OF SCENCE!!
Until my net post
                           Breanna Long signing out

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Theater Blog weeks one and two 9/3/15

I am breanna and my blog post today is what we have done in  my theater class over the past two week. Week one we did method acting which is where we use our whole body in scenes she gives us. Week two we have started a scene where you can only use one hand. The scene must have three hand movements in it. We added A conflict and solution into our scenes. Theater class is very excited and every day is an adventure, Until my next blog Post, 
                                                                                   Yours Truly,
                                                                                    Breanna Long